Thursday 21 June 2012

End of year show.

Recently we have been getting everything ready for our end of year show.  I have had to choose which work I have created over the last two years which I want to include in the show and make amendments so that they are all set to go up on display.  In the show I have various pieces of work on display, my magazine cover, my magazine spread, my crouwel poster, my idea type poster, my freight train graffiti poster and also my urban boy and urban girl packaging.  I also have a stamp display which I was asked to create including selected Olympic stamps from myself and my fellow pupils which were created for the advertising project.  overall I am very happy with my final outcomes for the show and as a whole the show is looking really good.   


Monday 11 June 2012

Above you can see one of my magazine spreads that I have worked up.  I have made various changes with that being with changing images, colours, fonts etc.

Monday 21 May 2012

Here you can see two of a selection of business cards I have created for my gym, synergy. 

Above you can see my leaflet design for my gym Synergy.  As you can see I have used the same kind of theme throughout all of my design, using the same color scheme.  On these designs I have used images that I have taken and I am very happy with the final outcomes.

Here you can see the final logo designs I created for my gym, Synergy.  The logo I chosen was the design at the top.

Here you can see my final flyer design for my final major project.  For my FMP I decided to create branding for a new gym.  I decided to call my gym Synergy, and as you can see this is one of my designs I created for it.

Here you can see my poster design I created for an Olympic competition.  As you can see I have used a catch line 'Flying High' and my design has been based around that.  I have designed a skyline of London (Olympic 2012 location) and added a gradient so it looks as if its going from day to night.  In the skyline I have added clouds, planes and birds in the day time and stars and a moon at night.