Monday 21 May 2012

Here you can see two of a selection of business cards I have created for my gym, synergy. 

Above you can see my leaflet design for my gym Synergy.  As you can see I have used the same kind of theme throughout all of my design, using the same color scheme.  On these designs I have used images that I have taken and I am very happy with the final outcomes.

Here you can see the final logo designs I created for my gym, Synergy.  The logo I chosen was the design at the top.

Here you can see my final flyer design for my final major project.  For my FMP I decided to create branding for a new gym.  I decided to call my gym Synergy, and as you can see this is one of my designs I created for it.

Here you can see my poster design I created for an Olympic competition.  As you can see I have used a catch line 'Flying High' and my design has been based around that.  I have designed a skyline of London (Olympic 2012 location) and added a gradient so it looks as if its going from day to night.  In the skyline I have added clouds, planes and birds in the day time and stars and a moon at night.