Monday 26 September 2011

Olympic Stamp Designs

Above you are able to see three of my stamp designs for the Olympic advertising project.  As you can see two of my designs are in the same style, one showing a player volleying a ball and another of a player chesting a ball.  The other design I have created is very simple where it just simply shows a player kicking a ball.  On my designs I have included my own design of the 2012 Olympic logo.  On the two designs where I have created them in the same style I have duplicated the image five times and made each and every one the colours of the Olympic rings.  On my design for the 2012 logo I have also used the five colours of the Olympic rings and used them in my design.  Overall I am very happy with all three of my designs but feel there could be a few changes to be made.

Friday 23 September 2011

Live Drawing Session

On the 23rd of September we were all asked to take part in a live drawing session.  A lady came in and posed for us whilst we drew various different images using different materials such as chalk, charcoal and pencil.

Monday 19 September 2011

Olympic Poster Design

Above you can see my poster design for the Olympic project.  I was asked to add a coloured tint just like the designs of Otl Aicher.  Overall I am quite happy with my final design because its a simple design but when you look at Aichers designs they are all simple using various colours.

Friday 16 September 2011

Equality and Diversity Poster Design's.

We were all asked by the college to create some poster designs which advertised both equality and diversity.  As you can see I have created two poster designs in two completely different styles.  The first poster design I really like and enjoyed creating but I do not feel that it portrays the meaning of the equality and diversity as well as the second poster design you are able to see.  This poster design is very simple but it portrays the meaning well and works well as a poster design. 

Sunday 4 September 2011

Olympic logo research

Over the summer we were all asked to find out information and collect images that related to the London olympics 2012.  Below is a link to a website which shows information about how the logo for the olympics was created, who it was createed by, etc.